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9.4 / 10 out of 910 reviews

Cambodian Spore Syringe (20cc)

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The Cambodia mushroom is a very nice mushroom from South East Asia. The spores were discovered at the well known Angkor Wat temple, by the famous authority on hallucinogenic mushrooms, John Allen, on one of his trips to Cambodia.
The Cambodia mushroom is one of the strains that is recommended to beginning mushroom cultivators. No mushroom will grow mycelium more quickly than this one. It grows very well on different substrates and they come in massive flushes.
(These spore syringes are sold for microscopy and taxonomy use only. They are not intended for cultivation purposes.)

Strain Origin: Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Cap: 5-10 mm in diameter, convex expanding to broadly convex to nearly plane with age. Dry, bruising bluish green.

Stem: 50+ mm in length. Typically equal, sometimes slightly enlarged at base, sometimes contorted.

Gills: Attachment adnate to adnexed. Grayish coloration in young fruit bodies becoming darker with spore maturity.

Spores: Dark purplish brown.

Comments: Initially described as the new species Psilocybe ankoria Sihanonth and Allen, sp. nov., it was later identified as P. antioquensis by Dr. Gaston Guzman. This is the first documented report of this species in Cambodia. It was formerly only reported from Mexico and South America.
Although laboratory specimens closely resembles P. mexicana, P. antioquensis does not form sclerotia.

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Cambodian Spore Syringe (20cc)
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