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9.4 / 10 sur 909 avis

Sananga - Tabernaemontana undulata 10ml

Family: Apocynaceae

Genus: Tabernaemontana

Species: T. undulata

Origin: Ecuador

Common names: Tabernaemontana undulata extract, Sananga, Becchete, Bëcchëte, Milkwood, Sananga Eye drops



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Sananga - Tabernaemontana undulata 10ml

Sananga is a powerful Amazonian instrument. Made by a Katukina Shaman from the root bark (not bark of stems) of a shrub called Apocynaceae which grows deep inside the Brazilian Amazon.
Traditionally Sananga has been used by the indigenous tribes of Brazil for stimulating their senses (vision, awareness, concentration, strength) used for hunting. Sananga is said to improve vision, and strengthen our connection to spiritual realms and to open our third eye. It also helps to activate and decalcify our pineal gland and helps clear us from negative energy.

Our products are not certified and not for consumption. They are sold for incense and soap making purposes, decorative purposes and/or legitimate ethnobotanical research. Our products are not sold and intended for human consumption. The information given about the plants is for academic purposes only and not intended to be used medically. Wakingherbs.com, its suppliers, agents, employees and distributors cannot be held accountable for any misuse of the products offered.

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Sananga - Tabernaemontana undulata 10ml
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