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9.4 / 10 von 910 Bewertungen

NXT – Yellow 8 caps | Hyper NRGetix

NXT – Yellow bringt Schwung in jede Partynacht und sorgt dafür, dass du bis zum Morgengrauen durchhalten kannst. Mit einer kraftvollen Mischung aus Ginseng und Vitaminen bist du bereit für jedes Abenteuer.

  • Für eine ganze Nacht voller Energie
  • Enthält hochwertigen Ginseng-Extrakt
  • Praktische Dosierung: Nur 1 Kapsel
  • Vitaminkick für Körper und Geist
  • Perfekt für unvergessliche Nächte


✓ Diskreter Versand✓ Erstklassiger Kundenservice✓ Treuepunkte


NXT – Yellow 8 caps | Hyper NRGetix


Innovating for the NXT Generation

Effect: NXT PHASE YELLOW is a natural stimulant that will give you plenty of energy to party all night long. A superior quality super strong Ginseng extract, especially selected by and produced for Sirius Smart Products, gets your body and brain in such a good shape that you will never stop…

Content: Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Glutamine, L-Pyroglutamine, NXT PHASE Proprietary Phyto-Nutrient Blend + Panax Ginseng extract.

8 capsules in a handy container.

Usage: Take capsules with plenty of liquid.

Dosage: 1 capsule.


More info: Like all NxtPhase varieties, NXT PHASE YELLOW is based on the Patent Pending NxtPhase Phyto-Nutrient Blend, containing coffeine and synephrine from plant extracts. Additional B-Vitamins and Amino-acids boost the effect of this energizing blend.
The NXT PHASE YELLOW Unique Blend consists of an extremely concentrated Ginseng root extract. For centuries this Asian root has been used in Chinese medicine, because of its benefits for most of the internal organs, and its body and brain vitalizing properties.

Side effects: Discontinue use immediately in case of nervousness, tremor, sleeplessness, reduced appetite or heart palpitations. Always consult a specialist in case of doubt.

Contra indications: Do not use NXT PHASE YELLOW in case of pregnancy or when nursing, in case of heart or vascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, and thyroid gland, kidney or prostate disorder. Not to be used by persons who are taking MAO-inhibitors, anti-depressants, or other (ephedrine- or caffeine-like) medication or products. Not to be used by phenylketonuria patients (contains a source of phenylalanine). Do not combine with heavy physical exercise.

Nutritional value: NXT PHASE is a nutritional supplement, enriched with plant extracts, for occasional use. A balanced diet contains a sufficient amount of vitamins.

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NXT – Yellow 8 caps | Hyper NRGetix
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