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Are you interested in changing your life for the better? Odds are you have read about microdosing psychedelics. This rather new phenomenon has been gaining popularity rapidly across the world. One of the most popular ways to introduce micro-dosing to your life, is by using magic truffles, also known as psilocybin truffles or ‘sclerotia’. This underground-part of psychedelic mushrooms contain the rather special molecules psilocybin and psilocin. Let’s take a look at why microdosing these magic truffles may actually change you in a positive way. 

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The magic behind psilocybin

Both psilocybin and psilocin have the ability to stimulate different parts of the brain, which causes a wide range of effects. People who have experienced a truffle trip with high doses know that the effects can be overwhelming. The perception of reality changes, and you can start hallucinating. When magic truffles are microdosed, there are also several effects that can occur. 

Although none of the following has been scientifically established, some users report, for example, an increase in focus, showing more initiative and a boost of creativity. Various anecdotes show that people who often have to deal with stressful situations start to microdose with magic truffles. Some people also report that through this practice of microdosing (taking small and calculated amounts of psychoactive substances), truffles have helped them increase their senses and become more spiritually self-aware of themselves. 

One place where magic truffle micro-dosing may really shine, is right in your office. Creative people, and especially tech-oriented workers, have been using micro-doses of psychedelics to increase sales, creativity and workflow. Many of the technical geniuses of Silicon Valley use it to come up with new ideas and to keep innovating. 

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So how do you actually start microdosing magic truffles? 

The main element you need to worry about while commencing microdosing is getting the right amount of dose. Microdose will help you with a better mood, increasing your focus, and other such benefits, but the effects wouldn't be as significant as you are thinking about. In simple language, you won't turn out to be a genius taking it the exact minute, but you will be able to feel its subtle effect on yourself.

Some earthly information about magic truffles reveals that these come out in packing of about 15g, which can have a potency level of 1 to 5 depending on the type of magic truffle you are getting and which manufacturing you are getting it from. For the sake of making things easier with microdosing, you can assume that 1g of magic truffle will contain about 0.75-1.75 gm of psilocybin (psychoactive element).

First, microdosing takes out a moderate batch of psilocybin truffles (make sure that the potency is not that high if you are going to take it for the first time) and grind it into powder form. For the very first attempt, it is recommended that you begin with a dose of about 0.5g, and then you take things slowly from there. If you don’t want to grind up magic truffles yourself, take a look at our handy magic truffle microdosing packs with pre-packed 1 gram portions. 

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Tips and tricks

The most substantial routine for incorporating psilocybin in your body is to take it in the early morning. This way, the effects will last throughout the day, and the chances are that it might not even interfere with your sleep at all. Take your microdose the first day and then skip for two consecutive days; after doing so, take it again on day 4. You will be able to experience its effects on your mind and body; you can keep a journal with you to note these down and see if things get a little awkward so you would know whether you should increase the dosage a little bit or decrease it substantially.

When trying it for the first time, it is essential that you take a day off from work and try to stay home so you can carefully experience its effects on your body. The common feelings of people taking psilocybin microdose for the first time include; enhanced creativity, bulging amount of energy flowing through them, and increased focus. The only thing that you need to be mindful of is to make sure that your body doesn’t build a tolerance for it. 

Also Read: Scientists match personality traits with psychedelic experiences

Mind the potential risks

If you are someone who wants to harness the potential benefits the psychedelics have to offer, then there is nothing wrong with practicing microdosing. In fact, it is the safest thing, to begin with. The riskiest thing involved with the whole practice is the law. You need to make sure that your microdosing practices are well within the bounds of the law because if these aren't, then you are looking at some harsh penalties for the possession of psilocybin.

Other than that, microdosing is often considered safe and might even help you achieve various accomplishments in your life. Provided you stay within the allocated bounds and safe practices of microdosing.