Using LSA
The best way to take LSA seeds is on a empty stomach. It is recommended to wait 4 till 6 hours after a good meal. When you are a newbie with LSA seeds we recommend to start with a small dosage of 2 or 3 seeds. When you are a more advanced user of LSA seeds, you can take 4 till 8 seeds. By chewing on the seeds an active substance is taken up in the body. That's why it is very important to chew very good on the seeds just as with magic mushrooms.Making ‘magic tea’
A very common effect of the seeds is nausea. To prevent this from happening you can make a kind of tea out of the seeds. You can do this by grinding the seeds in a coffee grinder or something else. After grinding the seeds you can soak the seeds in distilled water for the next 24 hours. After the 24 hours of soaking, you can filter the seeds with a coffee filter. Now you have your ‘magic tea’ which you can drink very slow, within 20 till 40 minutes. After every sip of tea, you can drink some normal water to avoid the nausea.Do you want to know more about LSA seeds and how to use them? Contact us for any questions. Have fun during your LSA trip!