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5 facts about cannabis

If you are going to use cannabis, you want to do it right and enjoy it to the fullest. However, we can imagine that you still have some questions, especially if you’re just starting out. Therefore we have listed five interesting questions about cannabis. In this blog we’d like to answer these questions!

1. Do you get extra high if you wait longer with blowing out smoke?

Scientists have discovered that your lungs absorb as much THC as they can during the first three seconds. You don’t need more. If you hold your breath longer because you think the effect will be better, you take the risk of having bad substances in your lungs. In addition, it just looks a bit crazy, don’t you think? So three seconds is enough to have a great experience.

2. Can you take a lethal dose of cannabis?

An overdose of cannabis is possible, but only if we talk about an overdose with unpleasant feelings. A fatal outcome actually isn’t possible. So don’t worry if you've been too enthusiastic!

3. Are weed and hash the same?

Both hash and weed or marijuana are from the female hemp plant (cannabis sativa). However, hash and weed look different, and can also have different effects. The exact effect of the type of cannabis you use depends on how much THC and CBD it contains.

4. Is it possible to process cannabis in other food than space cake?

Cakes and brownies are perfect to combine with cannabis, but there are more possibilities! You can also drink cannabis tea, make cannabis butter or try marijuana ice cream. Of course you’ll find a large number of special recipes on the internet.

5. If I smoke before exercising, will I increase endurance?

Exercising while you’re high has many advantages: cannabis helps with muscle recovery after a workout and it raises your metabolism. The good is news is that it really helps to increase your endurance as well! Cannabinoid receptors in our brain are calmed by the THC, reducing your anxiety and increasing your endurance.