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Microdosing psychedelics is an extremely fast growing trend among people who want to improve themselves. During microdosing, very small doses of psychedelic agents such as LSD, magic mushrooms or truffles are taken to benefit from the positive effects, while not experiencing the actual ‘trip’. Researchers are now looking for people who microdose psychedelics to be a part of their new study on the effects of these substances on well-being and mental health. 

Psychedelics for well-being

“We are currently inviting people who microdose psychedelic drugs for an online, anonymous interview. If you feel that microdosing psychedelic drugs has affected your mental health and/or wellbeing in anyway, then we would be interested in hearing your thoughts (good or bad)”, the invitation reads. The University of Birmingham is conducting an online, anonymous interview with people wanting to get involved in the growing scientific pool of evidence that psychedelics might be great for overall well-being. 

It was the American psychologist James Fadiman who was one of the first to study the phenomenon of 'microdosing'. In 2011 he released the book The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys , after which microdosing saw an enormous growth in popularity. As an expert in the field of psychedelic substances, he has been researching the use of psychedelics at a 'sub-perceptual' level for more than a decade. In various interviews, Fadiman explains that microdosing brings people back into 'balance'. It would have the strongest effects in areas where people need it most. 

How to be a part of this study?

Taking part in this psychedelic microdosing study is actually quite easy, but there are some important steps to follow. Anyone who has ‘experience of being in a regime of microdosing a classic psychedelic drug to support their mental health and/or well-being’ is welcome, as long as you can confidently read and write in English. There is a sidenote, however. People who are using psychedelic microdosing to cope with substance use issues/withdrawal, or people microdosing for other purposes such as recreational use, are not eligible to take part. 

During this interview, “the types of questions that may be asked will be around your microdosing regime and your experience of microdosing in terms of supporting your mental health and/or your overall wellbeing. No intrusive questions such as how you acquired illegal drugs will be asked, and no identifying information will be gathered from you. It is estimated that an interview may take around 1 hour, but this will depend on how the interview develops”, as explained in their information sheet. 

Are you currently already microdosing? That’s awesome! If you are still new to microdosing psychedelics, take a look at our Psychedelic Microdosing Psilocybin Pack to get started whenever you want. Perhaps you too will be a part of this psychedelic movement that has been raging through the world these last couple of months!